Sharing My Sleep Routine

Right now there is so much more discussion surrounding the immune system than there ever has been, and thats a good thing! While there is much that is out of our control, there are a variety of ways we can encourage a healthy lifestyle to support a strong and healthy immune system. One of the greatest overlooked aspects of a healthy immune system is sleep. Getting good quality sleep is so freakin important. Now, there are definitely circumstances that make a good nights sleep close to impossible, like if you're a new parent, or working shift work, for example. But if you're someone who is able to create a bit of a routine, I highly recommend it.
There have been numerous studies performed to show that a good sleep helps support the immune system by increasing T-cells, which are a type of immune cell that fight against viruses and other pathogens.
Now that both of my kids are (mostly) sleeping through the night, I have started to really hone in on a night time routine that feels right for me, and I'm telling you it makes a huge difference in the quality and quantity of my sleep. There is no right or perfect routine for everyone, but I wanted to share what works for me to give you some beautiful wind-down ideas that you may want to incorporate into your life.
Below is a typical week day evening for me:
5:30 - I try to have dinner ready for the family around 5-5:30 so that we can eat and the kids have time for play before bed. After dinner I warm some coconut milk to make a Dream State Latte using our Adapt powder. I love consuming Ashwagandha and Eleuthero before bed as they can both help promote a deeper more restful sleep.
7:30 - Both kids are typically in bed (unless its a weekend or special occasion). I liek to either jump in the sauna or run a hot bath with epsom salts. I try to sit in the tub for at least 15-20 minutes until I'm really hot. I usually read a book or bring my journal. Once I'm too hot, I get out and jump in a cold shower. It sounds crazy, but it feels so good. Some of the benefits believed to occur from the drastic shift in temperature are improvements to your circulation, deepened sleep, spike in energy levels, and reduced inflammation in your body. There is also evidence that cold water therapy can stimulate your bodies immune system, improving your ability to fight illness.
8:00 - Get into pyjamas, wash my face and finish with Elle Wellness Clarity Facial Tonique and facial oil After I apply the facial oil, I've started doing a gua sha massage with my stone from By Stacy.
8:30 - Usually my husband and I try to be in bed with a cup of Calm Seas tea. We try and do a time controlled fast, so we don't typically eat after the Dream State Latte. Having our tea is under 40 calories so won't break the fast. I will break my fast with a light breakfast and superfood coffee around 8:30 am.
I know you're not supposed to look at blue light at night, but usually we watch a funny show with our tea. Right now we're re-watching The Office for like the fifteenth time!
9-9:30 - We're usually lights out! Our kids our early risers and usually up by 6:00 am so getting to bed early is huge! Plus, I love learning more about the circadian clock and getting up early enough to get that red light in my eyes and catch a glimpse of those incredible sunsets.
Now, all this said, I try to follow this during the week, but the weekends can be a little off track. We love having fires with friends, or having dinner parties on the weekends so we can get a little off schedule. That said, I definitely notice the difference in my sleep quality when I follow my routine!
That's a little peek into my nighttime routine and what works for me. I'd love to know what works for you. Do you have a nighttime routine?
Wishing you a restful sleep.
~ K